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Empty properties
We're committed to working with homeowners and members of the public to address problems associated with empty homes in the city. -
Shopmobility is a scheme which helps people who have difficulty with their mobility to enjoy easy access to the city centre. -
Poultry noise
Chickens and cockerels can cause a noise nuisance to neighbours when kept in towns and cities. -
Air quality monitoring
We undertake monitoring of air quality across the city using 'diffusion tubes' and 'real-time monitoring equipment' -
Streetscape Strategy
The Streetscape Strategy and guidance gives our views on how the public streets and spaces of the city should be maintained, enhanced and managed. -
Streetscape Strategy
The Streetscape Strategy and guidance gives our views on how the public streets and spaces of the city should be maintained, enhanced and managed. -
Benefits Privacy Notice -
The Guildhall
Full Council meetings are held in the council chambers within the Guildhall. -
Swapping your council home
Swapping homes is much quicker than waiting for a council-organised transfer. -
Empty properties
We're committed to working with homeowners and members of the public to address problems associated with empty homes in the city.