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You searched for city of city of city of city of city of city of york council in category Other

You could also try: member of parliament , mp , freedom of information , foi , executive council members , cabinet , council directorates , departments , City of York Council , cyc , council tax , counciltax , open data, York Open Data , opendata

Results 391 – 400 of about 1111.

  • Commercial procurement forward plan

    Details of the council's commercial procurement forward plan.
  • Taking a lodger into your council home
  • School catchment areas

    Each address in the City of York is linked to a local school - called your 'catchment school'.
  • Join York Youth council

    Find out how to join York Youth Council, which represents the voice of young people in York.
  • Schools closed today

    Details of any City of York schools closed today, for example, due to bad weather.
  • School catchment areas

    Each address in the City of York is linked to a local school - called your 'catchment school'.
  • The built environment

    The built environment represents the majority of York’s emissions, contributing 61.9% of the total emissions for the city.
  • The built environment

    The built environment represents the majority of York’s emissions, contributing 61.9% of the total emissions for the city.
  • York Station Gateway

    Find out about the proposed changes to York Station Gateway which would make the surrounding area more pedestrian-friendly and better for all types of vehicles, bringing new public spaces, reducing congestion and making the most of the site's heritage.
  • YorkCard

    If you live within the York area you are entitled to buy a YorkCard which acts as your library card and will also entitle you to residents' discounts at leisure facilities across York.