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You searched for city of city of city of york council in category Other

You could also try: member of parliament , mp , freedom of information , foi , executive council members , cabinet , council directorates , departments , City of York Council , cyc , council tax , counciltax , open data, York Open Data , opendata

Results 181 – 190 of about 1111.

  • St George's Field signalised crossing
  • City Walls Privacy Notice

    Privacy notice for the City Walls service area.
  • City of York Council job vacancies cookie policy

    City of York Council job vacancies cookie policy explains how we use cookies to improve your experience using our website.
  • City centre access for vehicles

    Information about our measures to combat potential vehicle attacks in York city centre.
  • York UNESCO City of Media Arts

    On 1 December 2014, the Director-General of UNESCO, Irina Bokova, designated York as a UNESCO City of Media Arts.
  • Apprenticeships with City of York council - case studies
  • Human rights
  • Adopting in York

    We're one of 5 councils in the northern Yorkshire and Humber area delivering adoption services as part of One Adoption North and Humber.
  • Ward Budget City Wide Fund

    The Ward Budget City Wide Fund compliments the funding available through individual ward grant applications, and is specifically designed to support projects operating in more than one ward in the city.
  • Street lighting

    We maintain and repair street lights and illuminated signs in York.... We also look after bollards, beacons and flood lights around the City Walls.