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Our structure and directorates

For more information about our Chief Operating Officer (Head of paid services) and the structure of our directorates visit Council Management Team; get details of our service responsibilities.

You can also read more about our executive council members.

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You could also try: council directorates

Results 271 – 280 of about 519.

  • Benefits Privacy Notice
  • Make an appointment at West Offices
  • York Fuel and Food Voucher Scheme
  • Council tax bills

    Helping you to understand your annual bill, new bill or closing bill for council tax.
  • Student council tax discounts and exemptions

    Student council tax discount and exemptions.
  • Fraud prevention

    If you're aware of, or suspect fraud is being committed against the council, please report it.
  • York's councillor induction programme

    York's councillor induction programme provides support and guidance to new, or returning, councillor members helping them to become familiar with the council and their role.
  • Major incidents and emergencies

    We keep main council services running and co-ordinate what voluntary groups do to help.
  • Major incidents and emergencies

    We keep main council services running and co-ordinate what voluntary groups do to help.
  • Tenancy Policy

    The Tenancy Policy sets out our approach to tenancy management, tenancy support and the types of tenancy on offer for council housing tenants and future tenants.