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Open Housing

Open Housing provides access to housing services for customers applying for a council home, people who are homeless and council tenants and leaseholders. The portal is also useful to contractors, working with us to provide council housing.

You searched for open data, York Open Data in category Other

You could also try: City of York Council , cyc , open data, York Open Data , opendata

Results 1 – 10 of about 1060.

  • Right of access to your personal data

    You have the right to request access to the personal data we hold about you; make a 'subject access request', known as a 'SAR'.
  • York Open Data

    The York Open Data platform is City of York Council's open data platform.
  • Published data about business rates
  • Published data about business rates
  • External Data

    Many different organisations collect and publish research and statistics; we publish our information on our Open Data Platform.
  • External Data

    Many different organisations collect and publish research and statistics; we publish our information on our Open Data Platform.
  • Council spending
  • National Fraud Initiative
  • National Fraud Initiative
  • Ward Profiles

    Ward Profiles contain summary statistics about each individual ward in York and how the ward compares with York as a whole.