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Open Housing

Open Housing provides access to housing services for customers applying for a council home, people who are homeless and council tenants and leaseholders. The portal is also useful to contractors, working with us to provide council housing.

You searched for open data, York Open Data in category Other

You could also try: City of York Council , cyc , open data, York Open Data , opendata

Results 371 – 380 of about 1060.

  • Early Talk for York

    Early Talk for York is an approach to improve speech, communication and language of children aged 0 to 5 years.
  • Early Talk for York partners

    Find out more about the partner organisations who help to deliver Early Talk for York.
  • Moving Out Standard
  • Annual Archaeology Conference
  • Early Talk for York Roadmap

    Our roadmap lays out the potential opportunities and activities to get involved with to help achieve each step of the Early Talk for York approach.
  • York Air Quality Alert Service

    City of York Council's York Air Alert service which sends air pollution alerts and health advice to residents likely to be affected by air pollution.
  • Early Talk for York guide for parents

    A brief introduction to Early Talk for York for parents and carers with early years aged children (ages 0 - 5).
  • Age Friendly York

    York is now part of the Age Friendly Network.
  • Our City Centre York

    Our City Centre York is your chance to shape a city centre where York’s citizens love to spend time, live and work.
  • Student council tax discounts and exemptions