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Open Housing

Open Housing provides access to housing services for customers applying for a council home, people who are homeless and council tenants and leaseholders. The portal is also useful to contractors, working with us to provide council housing.

You searched for open data, York Open Data in category Other

You could also try: City of York Council , cyc , open data, York Open Data , opendata

Results 441 – 450 of about 1060.

  • Our City Centre York - How to get involved

    Find out how to get involved in the Our City Centre York conversation - your opportunity to help shape our city centre for decades to come...
  • Moving Out Standard
  • York Disaster Fund

    Residents whose homes have been flooded, who have limited means and who are not adequately insured, may be eligible for help from York’s Disaster Fund.
  • Age Friendly York Evolving Action Plan

    The Age Friendly York Evolving Action Plan outlines actions agreed, based on citizen feedback, and shows how we intend to deliver against the actions and progress status.
  • Age Friendly York

    York is now part of the Age Friendly Network.
  • Age Friendly York

    York is now part of the Age Friendly Network.
  • York Financial Assistance Scheme Privacy Notice

    York Financial Assistance Scheme privacy notice.
  • York Financial Assistance Scheme Privacy Notice

    York Financial Assistance Scheme privacy notice.
  • Our City Centre York Vision

    The Our City Centre vision for York will set out a plan to help make sure the city centre continues to meet the social, economic and environmental needs of York, and its communities.
  • Early Talk for York Memorandum of Understanding for private and independent schools

    Early Talk for York Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between City of York Council (CYC) and a private or independent school.