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Open Housing

Open Housing provides access to housing services for customers applying for a council home, people who are homeless and council tenants and leaseholders. The portal is also useful to contractors, working with us to provide council housing.

You searched for open data, York Open Data in category Other

You could also try: City of York Council , cyc , open data, York Open Data , opendata

Results 601 – 610 of about 1060.

  • Registering a birth

    Register a birth at York Register Office - Book an appointment online!
  • Contact ICT Security

    What to do if you want to report a security issue about any of the electronic services provided by City of York Council.
  • Health and Wellbeing Board

    The Health and Wellbeing Board is a group of people from different organisations in York who work together to make improvements to the health and wellbeing of local residents.
  • Recycling in York
  • Flood advice and information

    Advice and information on flooding in York.
  • Adult education courses

    Information on Adult education courses in York.
  • Adult education courses

    Information on Adult education courses in York.
  • Public trees

    We're responsible for 'public trees' in parks and open spaces, communal areas and adjacent to the highway.
  • Waste services in winter

    Severe weather can cause disruptions to kerbside waste and recycling collections, and limit recycling site opening times.
  • Food premises registration

    All new food businesses must register with us 28 days prior to opening.