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Planning permission applications

Find information about planning permission for householder applications, and advertisement applications, or see our planning application forms and guidance.

You searched for planning in category Other

Results 1 – 10 of about 384.

  • Search planning applications

    The search planning applications service provides access to planning records and documents and allows customers to make comments on current applications.
  • How to make a planning application

    Find out when to apply for planning permission or read more about the planning application process.
  • How to make a planning application

    Find out when to apply for planning permission or read more about the planning application process.
  • Elvington Neighbourhood Plan

    Elvington Neighbourhood Plan preparation.
  • Fulford Neighbourhood Plan

    Information relating to the Fulford Neighbourhood Plan
  • Location and site plans for planning applications

    Location and site plans are required with every planning application.
  • Haxby and Wigginton Neighbourhood Plan

    Haxby and Wigginton Neighbourhood Plan preparation.
  • New Local Plan

    Our 'Local Plan' sets strategic priorities for the whole city and forms the basis for planning decisions.
  • Reserved matters planning permission application

    Reserved matters planning permission application
  • Outline planning permission application

    Forms for outline planning permission applications (all matters reserved and some matters reserved) can be downloaded.