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Planning permission applications

Find information about planning permission for householder applications, and advertisement applications, or see our planning application forms and guidance.

You searched for planning guidance in category Other

Results 11 – 20 of about 419.

  • Village Design Statements
  • Village Design Statements
  • Other planning guidance

    When planning a development you should also consider: Air quality, archaeology, land contamination, flood risk, listed buildings.
  • Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) Guidance
  • Planning application forms and guidance

    Use our 'pre-application planning advice' service, or choose the application form, guidance, and checklists you need to make the appropriate application.
  • Planning application forms and guidance

    Use our 'pre-application planning advice' service, or choose the application form, guidance, and checklists you need to make the appropriate application.
  • Householder planning permission applications

    If you own a residential property and wish to make changes to it, you may need to apply for planning permission and/or Building Regulation consent for any works or an extension.
  • High Fat, Salt or Sugar Advertising Guidance

    This guidance constitutes a formal addendum to the City of York Council’s Advertising Policy and should be read and applied in tandem with that policy.
  • Fire safety guidance
  • Community emergency plans

    Emergencies can take many forms and whilst we can't always prevent them happening, we can plan ahead to minimise their impact.