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Planning permission applications

Find information about planning permission for householder applications, and advertisement applications, or see our planning application forms and guidance.

You searched for planning guidance in category Other

Results 41 – 50 of about 419.

  • Referendums for neighbourhood planning

    After a neighbourhood plan has been checked by an independent examiner, members of the community can vote on whether it comes into force and will be used by us as the 'local planning authority' when we consider planning permission.
  • Copmanthorpe Neighbourhood Plan

    Work has started on producing a Neighbourhood Plan for Copmanthorpe Parish
  • New Local Plan

    Our 'Local Plan' sets strategic priorities for the whole city and forms the basis for planning decisions.
  • Local Plan Submission

    Details of the submission of the Local Plan to the government for Examination.
  • Reserved matters planning permission application

    Reserved matters planning permission application
  • Huntington Neighbourhood Plan

    Huntington Parish Council have started work towards developing a neighbourhood plan for their area.
  • Outline planning permission application

    Forms for outline planning permission applications (all matters reserved and some matters reserved) can be downloaded.
  • Complying with planning conditions

    We have procedures for dealing with requests to 'discharge conditions imposed on planning approvals', and for requests which ask whether such conditions were met (including requests from solicitors or prospective buyers).
  • Elvington Neighbourhood Plan

    Elvington Neighbourhood Plan preparation.
  • Planning enforcement register

    We update the Planning Enforcement Register regularly.... The Register lists the notices served by the Local Planning Authority from 2009 onwards.