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You searched for street cleaning in category Other

Results 131 – 140 of about 148.

  • Fixed Penalty Notices for dog fouling

    Failure to clean up after your dog is an offence which could lead to a fixed penalty notice being issued.
  • Kick the Habit anti-idling campaign

    We want to make people think about the importance of clean air and the impact that air pollution has on our health.
  • Fly-tipping and dumping

    Use this form to report fly-tipping so that we can clean it up.
  • York Station Gateway
  • York Station Gateway
  • Parking restrictions for loading and unloading

    There is an exemption to the parking restrictions if you're loading or unloading goods on street, if your activity meets certain criteria.
  • No waiting cones

    How to request a temporary order to prevent vehicles parking on a street to enable works to take place.
  • Planning restrictions for East Mount Road

    There is an 'article 4 directive' in place for East Mount Road meaning certain alterations to houses on this street will need to have planning permission.
  • Article 4 Direction for The Punch Bowl public house

    Article 4 Direction relating to The Punch Bowl public house, Lowther Street, York.
  • Article 4 Direction for The Punch Bowl public house

    Article 4 Direction relating to The Punch Bowl public house, Lowther Street, York.