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You searched for bedroom tax

You could also try: housing benefit , bedroom tax , council tax , counciltax

Results 1 – 10 of about 443.

  • The 'bedroom tax'

    There's a limit on the number of bedrooms Housing Benefit will pay for, if you're renting from a local authority, a registered housing association or other registered social landlord.
  • Housing Benefit

    If you pay rent you may be able to claim housing benefit to help you with your rent payments.
  • Housing Benefit

    If you pay rent you may be able to claim housing benefit to help you with your rent payments.
  • Benefit cap

    There's a limit on the total amount of benefit that working age people can get; this is called the benefit cap.
  • Local Housing Allowance

    Local Housing Allowance (LHA) is a type of housing benefit for tenants who rent from a private landlord.
  • Benefits and money
  • Change of circumstances and benefits

    You must tell us immediately about any changes which could affect housing benefit.
  • Change of circumstances and benefits

    You must tell us immediately about any changes which could affect housing benefit.
  • Benefits Privacy Notice

    Privacy notice for the Benefits service area.
  • Move within York area

    Tell us you are moving house within the York area.