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You searched for bedroom tax

You could also try: housing benefit , bedroom tax , council tax , counciltax

Results 441 – 443 of about 443.

  • Service Responsibilities
  • Civic Party Celebrates International Women's Day

    The Civic Party of York celebrated International Women's Day on Friday 8 March with an evening event at the Mansion House entitled 'One City - Many Women's Voices'.
  • [No title]

    You can noti fy central and local government departm ents and services, includi ng:  Housi ng benefit office  Council tax benefit office  Libraries  Blue badges  Adult and chil dren’s services  Council housi ng  Departm ent for Work and Pensions  HM Revenue and Customs  Identity and passport service  Dri ver and Vehicle Licensing Agency  Ministry of Defence, service personnel and the Veteran’s Agency What documents will I need to use the service?...  The deceased's National Insurance num ber  The National Ins urance Number of the deceased's survi vi ng husband, wi fe or ci vil partner  The next of kin's nam e, address and telephone number  Information about any benefits and services the deceased may have been recei ving, e.g. state pension, income support, housing benefit, library card, bl ue badge  The name and address of the person dealing with the deceased's estate  Dri ving licence (i f held)  Passport (if held)  Blue badge (if held) We also require the nam e, address and telephone number of the following:  Survi ving husband, wife or ci vil part ner  Next of kin (i f di fferent)  Person deali ng with the deceased’s estate, i.e. solicitors I can’t find all the documents I need.... The organisations contacted will use the inform ation to update records and end services, benefits and credits as appropri ate.