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You could also try: member of parliament , mp , freedom of information , foi , executive council members , cabinet , council directorates , departments , City of York Council , cyc , council tax , counciltax , open data, York Open Data , opendata

Results 811 – 820 of about 1588.

  • Early Talk for York 3-step criteria

    Our 3-step criteria helps you to understand what you need to be doing at each stage of Early Talk for York.
  • Re-registering a birth
  • Invite the Civic Party to your event
  • External Data
  • WebHummel - Good Business Charter case study
  • Avorium - Good Business Charter Case Study
  • Tang Hall SMART - Good Business Charter Case Study
  • UPDATE: Road closures for planned resurfacing works
  • [No title]

    York Register Office privacy notice York Register Office com plies with the Data Protection Act 1998 and is a registered ‘Data Controll er’.... York Register Office also makes a local index available for this purpose.... For further informati on on data held by the Registrar General visit: ns/ips-pri vacy-policy For information on how the City Of York Council uses your information visit : For information on the City Of York Council’s cookies policy visit: You can contact the Superi ntendent Registrar at York Register Office Tel: 01904 654477 Tell Us Once Death registration appointments Tell Us Once is a free government initiati ve which aims to ease the burden of noti fying local and cent ral government departments that someone has died.
  • Report a repair to your council home

    Please report any repairs that are needed to your council home as soon as possible, during normal office hours.