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Results 371 – 380 of about 1601.

  • Deaths, funerals and cremations

    Get information about our deaths, funerals and cremation services, available from City of York Council.... We ensure residents of York receive end of life services, by providing information and advice on organising a funeral and registering a death.
  • Council tax

    Get information about our council tax services, available from City of York Council.... We ensure residents of York can access council tax, by providing information and advice on discounts, exemptions and billing.
  • Bus network progress to be heard at Council Executive

    Three important updates on York’s bus network will be presented to City of York Council’s Executive on 20 February.
  • Family Hubs: Raise York

    Find out more about how we are working with partners across the city to develop a Family Hub model, funded by the Department for Education (DfE).
  • Air pollution levels in York

    The government sets health-based air quality 'objectives' relating to common pollutants found in cities, these are levels we must aim to meet.
  • Deaths, funerals and cremations

    Get information about our deaths, funerals and cremation services, available from City of York Council.... We ensure residents of York receive end of life services, by providing information and advice on organising a funeral and registering a death.
  • Have your say on changes to York’s sexual health service

    City of York Council is inviting people to have their say on the way sexual health services are provided in York.
  • Major Incident Response Team

    The Major Incident Response Team (MIRT) is part of North Yorkshire Council and the City of York Council’s 24 hour emergency response service.
  • New fund to help lift inequalities from York’s communities

    A new £100,000 fund aims to help city's most deprived communities.
  • York’s fostering team joins York Residents’ Festival

    City of York Council’s Fostering Team will be on hand at York Residents’ Festival on Saturday to chat to residents about becoming foster carers.