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Results 411 – 420 of about 1592.

  • Snapshot of progress on the Council Plan

    Our snapshot of progress regularly provides details of our activity as we work to deliver the Council Plan and to achieve our vision of a heathier, fairer, more affordable, more sustainable, and more accessible city where everyone feels valued.
  • Using York's Historic Environment Record

    York’s Historic Environment Record (HER) holds information on the city’s archaeological finds, historic buildings and monuments from a variety of sources such as archaeological reports, historic maps and trade directories.
  • York business leads revolution in microscope technology

    A pioneering York business is leading the way in cutting-edge microscope technology, thanks to support from City of York Council and the York and North Yorkshire Growth Hub.
  • New advertising rules to support children’s health

    City of York Council is proposing to introduce new advertising rules across York to support children and families with healthy eating.
  • Second week of Queen Street Bridge closures this weekend

    City of York Council is reminding residents and visitors that a second road closure will take place this weekend as part of the Station Gateway project.
  • Additional funds committed to free school meals pilot

    City of York Council have committed an additional £100,000 to York's free school meals pilot.
  • Help shape Front Street improvements

    City of York Council is seeking the views of residents and businesses on new ideas for Front Street in Acomb.
  • Second week of Queen Street Bridge closures this weekend

    City of York Council is reminding residents and visitors that a second road closure will take place this weekend as part of the Station Gateway project.
  • Road Closures on Towthorpe Moor Lane

    City of York Council will be carrying out essential drainage works on Towthorpe Moor Lane at the junction with Strensall Road.
  • Temporary and interim work

    Jobs can be on a part or full time basis, across a range of work sectors for a variety of customers (including City of York Council).