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Results 661 – 670 of about 1592.

  • Make an appointment at West Offices
  • Council tax bills

    Helping you to understand your annual bill, new bill or closing bill for council tax.
  • 93.6% York pupils get first choice of Secondary School

    Secondary school admission figures for entry in September 2024 reveal that 93.6% of York children have been allocated their first preference of school.
  • Easy Read - City Centre Access consultation

    Easy Read - City Centre Access consultation Page 1 of 18 Review of City Centre Access Easy read version, October 2021 The process so far We asked people how we can make York city centre accessible and welcoming to all.... Sharing ideas This survey shares some ideas and asks whether they might help you to access York city centre.... Page 17 of 18 Tell us in our online survey: Or, you can print this Easy Read version and return it by post to: FREEPOST RTEG-TYYU-KLTZ Business Intelligence (49) City of York Council West Offices Station Rise York YO1 6GA Or, you can write what you think at Explore libraries, in York, Clifton, Tang Hall and Acomb.
  • YorHome information for landlords
  • York Financial Assistance Scheme Criteria

    York Financial Assistance Scheme criteria.
  • Executive Council Member speaks at York Tourism conference

    Councillor Jo Coles, Executive Member for Health, Wellbeing and Adult Social Care, spoke at the York Tourism conference on the benefits on tourism for York.
  • Fraud prevention

    If you're aware of, or suspect fraud is being committed against the council, please report it.
  • York’s hospitality and retail sectors attend first industry forum
  • Theatres, galleries and cinemas

    Where to find information about theatres, galleries and cinemas in York.