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Results 701 – 710 of about 1592.

  • Tenant satisfaction survey
  • Easy Read - City Centre Access consultation

    Easy Read - City Centre Access consultation Page 1 of 18 Review of City Centre Access Easy read version, October 2021 The process so far We asked people how we can make York city centre accessible and welcoming to all.... Sharing ideas This survey shares some ideas and asks whether they might help you to access York city centre.... Page 17 of 18 Tell us in our online survey: Or, you can print this Easy Read version and return it by post to: FREEPOST RTEG-TYYU-KLTZ Business Intelligence (49) City of York Council West Offices Station Rise York YO1 6GA Or, you can write what you think at Explore libraries, in York, Clifton, Tang Hall and Acomb.
  • Early Talk for York resources

    Download our Early Talk for York resources and posters for professionals.
  • York Disaster Fund

    Residents whose homes have been flooded, who have limited means and who are not adequately insured, may be eligible for help from York’s Disaster Fund.
  • Age Friendly York Evolving Action Plan

    The Age Friendly York Evolving Action Plan outlines actions agreed, based on citizen feedback, and shows how we intend to deliver against the actions and progress status.
  • Green Infrastructure Guidance

    We are committed to developing a Green Infrastructure Strategy for York and we're making good progress.
  • Council tax arrears

    Find out what happens if you get behind with your council tax payments, known as 'getting into arrears' and view the council's Corporate Debt Policy..
  • Age Friendly York

    York is now part of the Age Friendly Network.
  • Age Friendly York

    York is now part of the Age Friendly Network.
  • York Financial Assistance Scheme Privacy Notice

    York Financial Assistance Scheme privacy notice.