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Results 461 – 470 of about 1601.

  • Noise pollution

    Get information about noise pollution and related services available from City of York Council.... We ensure residents of York can access the information they need to deal with noise pollution, by providing information and advice on anti-social and commercial noise issues.
  • Businesses offered sessions to boost digital and AI skills

    Google Digital Garage is coming back to York with a new series of free digital skills workshops for local businesses.... In collaboration with City of York Council, they're offering three training sessions throughout June and July 2024.
  • Businesses offered sessions to boost digital and AI skills

    Google Digital Garage is coming back to York with a new series of free digital skills workshops for local businesses.... In collaboration with City of York Council, they're offering three training sessions throughout June and July 2024.
  • Student council tax discounts and exemptions

    Student council tax discount and exemptions.
  • Housing delivery programme

    Our Housing Delivery Programme will develop 600 high-quality new homes across York on council-owned sites, under the Shape Homes York brand.
  • Who can apply for a council house

    Overview of the council housing allocation system - who can apply and how they are allocated.
  • Who can apply for a council house

    Overview of the council housing allocation system - who can apply and how they are allocated.
  • Applying for a council property

    Applying for a council property.
  • Current council tax charges

    A breakdown of council tax charges for the current financial year.
  • About council tax

    Overview of the purpose of council tax, and who is responsible for paying council tax.