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Results 1291 – 1300 of about 1592.

  • Our Open Housing portal

    Our 'Open Housing' portal is for customers applying for a council home, people who are homeless, council tenants and leaseholders, as well as contractors working with us to provide council housing.
  • Meeting webcasts

    See a list of the webcasts we've created for council meetings.
  • Meeting webcasts

    See a list of the webcasts we've created for council meetings.
  • Featured jobs

    A page detailing specialised roles and jobs the council is recruiting for.
  • Top-up arrangements

    If you're eligible for funding from the Council, a top-up payment allows you to be accommodated in care homes that charge more than the Council is offering to pay.
  • [No title]

    York Register Office privacy notice York Register Office com plies with the Data Protection Act 1998 and is a registered ‘Data Controll er’.... York Register Office also makes a local index available for this purpose.... For further informati on on data held by the Registrar General visit: ns/ips-pri vacy-policy For information on how the City Of York Council uses your information visit : For information on the City Of York Council’s cookies policy visit: You can contact the Superi ntendent Registrar at York Register Office Tel: 01904 654477 Tell Us Once Death registration appointments Tell Us Once is a free government initiati ve which aims to ease the burden of noti fying local and cent ral government departments that someone has died.
  • Parking directory

    This directory contains details of all council-run car parks in York, and details for the Park and Ride sites.
  • St George's Field coach park - Parking directory

    This directory contains details of all council-run car parks in York, and details for the Park and Ride sites.
  • Minerals and Waste Joint Plan

    Our 'minerals and waste' joint plan with North Yorkshire Council and the North York Moors National Park Authority fulfils our responsibility to plan for waste and minerals in the future, and our duty to cooperate.
  • St George's Field coach park - Parking directory

    This directory contains details of all council-run car parks in York, and details for the Park and Ride sites.