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Results 1301 – 1310 of about 1592.

  • St George's Field coach park - Parking directory

    This directory contains details of all council-run car parks in York, and details for the Park and Ride sites.
  • Code of Corporate Governance

    A formal document setting out how the council operates and how it makes decisions.
  • Code of Corporate Governance

    A formal document setting out how the council operates and how it makes decisions.
  • Members' Scheme of Allowances and Entitlements

    Information from the Council's Constitution detailing the Members' Scheme of Allowances and Entitlements.
  • Assets of community value

    Allows communities to identify and then bid to run certain council services.
  • Graffiti

    Which types of property the council will remove graffiti from and how to report this.
  • Earswick Neighbourhood Plan

    Earswick Parish Council have commenced work on developing a Neighbourhood Plan for their area.
  • [No title]

    York Register Office privacy notice York Register Office com plies with the Data Protection Act 1998 and is a registered ‘Data Controll er’.... York Register Office also makes a local index available for this purpose.... For further informati on on data held by the Registrar General visit: ns/ips-pri vacy-policy For information on how the City Of York Council uses your information visit : For information on the City Of York Council’s cookies policy visit: You can contact the Superi ntendent Registrar at York Register Office Tel: 01904 654477 Tell Us Once Death registration appointments Tell Us Once is a free government initiati ve which aims to ease the burden of noti fying local and cent ral government departments that someone has died.
  • Graffiti

    Which types of property the council will remove graffiti from and how to report this.
  • Graffiti

    Which types of property the council will remove graffiti from and how to report this.