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Results 371 – 380 of about 1599.

  • The built environment

    The built environment represents the majority of York’s emissions, contributing 61.9% of the total emissions for the city.
  • The built environment

    The built environment represents the majority of York’s emissions, contributing 61.9% of the total emissions for the city.
  • Huntington School receives Silver Healthy Schools Award

    Huntington School has become the first in the city to be awarded a coveted Silver Healthy Schools’ Award.
  • Huntington School receives Silver Healthy Schools Award

    Huntington School has become the first in the city to be awarded a coveted Silver Healthy Schools’ Award.
  • Pay online

    Get information about how to pay online for a range of services available from City of York Council, including council tax, business rates, rent, waste charges and other council invoices.
  • Snapshot of progress on the Council Plan

    Our snapshot of progress regularly provides details of our activity as we work to deliver the Council Plan and to achieve our vision of a heathier, fairer, more affordable, more sustainable, and more accessible city where everyone feels valued.
  • Streetscape Strategy

    The Streetscape Strategy and guidance gives our views on how the public streets and spaces of the city should be maintained, enhanced and managed.
  • Poultry noise

    Chickens and cockerels can cause a noise nuisance to neighbours when kept in towns and cities.
  • Cigarette litter

    We deal with cigarette litter as part of our approach to street care and cleaning across the city.
  • Empty properties

    We're committed to working with homeowners and members of the public to address problems associated with empty homes in the city.