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You could also try: member of parliament , mp , freedom of information , foi , executive council members , cabinet , council directorates , departments , City of York Council , cyc , council tax , counciltax , open data, York Open Data , opendata

Results 761 – 770 of about 1601.

  • Home condition surveys
  • Central Historic Core Conservation Area Appraisal

    York's central conservation area is one of the largest and most complex in England made up of 24 'character areas' of special architectural or historic interest.
  • Yorkshire Day milestone as Proposed Devolution Deal Announced

    Today, on Yorkshire Day, a major milestone towards devolution for York and North Yorkshire has been marked as the Government have announced their proposed Devolution Deal for the region.
  • Health Leaders back new vaccination campaign

    Health leaders in York and North Yorkshire are backing a major new campaign to remind parents and carers of the risk of their children missing out on protection against serious diseases - with an urgent call to action to catch up on missed vaccinations.
  • Geocaching

    To place a geocache on land owned by the council you must obtain prior permission.
  • Council house tenancies

    Council houses tenancies
  • Landlords and letting agents
  • Democratic Services Privacy Notice
  • Contact Housing Services
  • Making a Right to Buy application