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Results 171 – 180 of about 1599.

  • The York Narrative

    The York Narrative and our Talk York consultation aim to find out what makes York special, to attract new investment and opportunities into the city.
  • 5 new bays for Blue Badge holders and businesses

    To support Blue Badge holders and businesses in the city centre, five new loading/parking bays are open
  • Freemen of the City of York

    Freemen of the City of York have no privileges in the city, but once sworn in may join the 'Guild of Freemen' who take an interest in the affairs of the city.
  • Apprenticeships with City of York Council
  • ‘A’ Boards policy

    Our ‘A' Boards policy sets out restrictions regarding the placement of free-standing advertising boards and details areas of York city centre where A-boards are prohibited.
  • York World Heritage City

    Our city has an outstanding past.
  • Make a difference this Great British Spring Clean

    City of York Council is appealing to residents, schools, businesses and community groups to get involved in the Great British Spring Clean 2024.
  • Civic Party Celebrates International Women's Day

    The Civic Party of York celebrated International Women's Day on Friday 8 March with an evening event at the Mansion House entitled 'One City - Many Women's Voices'.
  • City of York Council website home page

    City of York Council: West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA.
  • Caring for the City Walls

    We are responsible for caring for, and making accessible, York's City Walls.