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Results 421 – 430 of about 1599.

  • The natural environment

    York’s natural environment contributes 1.8% of the city’s overall emissions, with our agricultural areas on the front line of climate change being the first to feel its impacts.
  • Housing associations in York

    Housing associations in York.
  • Moving Out Standard
  • TIER to end E-Scooter and E-Bike trial in York

    City of York Council has been informed that TIER do not wish to extend their contract, thereby taking the decision to end its e-scooter and e-bike trial in York.
  • Private sector housing fuel poverty report

    We carried out a private sector house conditions survey in 2008, which identified that there were in the region of 6,000 households living in fuel poverty within the city.
  • Moving Out Standard
  • Family Learning courses

    Family Learning courses at venues across the city provide an opportunity for you to brush up your own skills, or to help your children learn.
  • New advertising rules to support children’s health

    City of York Council is proposing to introduce new advertising rules across York to support children and families with healthy eating.
  • Council commissions new £1.8 million drug and alcohol service contract

    City of York Council has awarded the drug and alcohol service contract to a leading health and social care charity Change Grow Live.
  • Council commissions new £1.8 million drug and alcohol service contract

    City of York Council has awarded the drug and alcohol service contract to a leading health and social care charity Change Grow Live.