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Results 451 – 460 of about 1599.

  • Air pollution from bonfires and smoke

    Whilst you may have a bonfire at a domestic property, we do not promote burning household waste since it can reduce the air quality of our city and affect residents' health.
  • Current council tax charges

    A breakdown of council tax charges for the current financial year.
  • About council tax

    Overview of the purpose of council tax, and who is responsible for paying council tax.
  • Applying for a council property

    Applying for a council property.
  • Previous council tax charges

    Council tax is a local tax on domestic properties.
  • Council tax appeals

    Details of the council tax complaints and appeals process.
  • York supports LGBTQ+ Adoption and Fostering Week

    City of York Council’s fostering team and One Adoption North and Humber, the regional adoption agency for York, North Yorkshire and Humber, are showing their support for LGBTQ+ Adoption and Fostering Week (4 to 10 March).
  • Resident feedback brings changes to cashless parking plans

    Following feedback from residents, the Council have updated plans to allow cash parking payments to continue in two car parks in the city centre.
  • Council tax appeals

    Details of the council tax complaints and appeals process.
  • Council spending