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Results 341 – 350 of about 1599.

  • Bus network progress to be heard at Council Executive

    Three important updates on York’s bus network will be presented to City of York Council’s Executive on 20 February.
  • YorHome property letting agency

    YorHome is an ethical, non-profit-making lettings agency, operated by the City of York Council.
  • Move in to York area

    Tell us you are moving to York.
  • Move in to York area

    Tell us you are moving to York.
  • Adult Learning in York Week

    The city’s Adult Learning in York Week will take place from 27 June to 3 July.
  • Adult Learning in York Week

    The city’s Adult Learning in York Week will take place from 27 June to 3 July.
  • Have your say on changes to York’s sexual health service

    City of York Council is inviting people to have their say on the way sexual health services are provided in York.
  • Scarborough Bridge project

    A new shared-use bridge adjacent to the existing Scarborough line railway bridge provides better access into the city centre from the railway station.
  • Move within York area

    Tell us you are moving house within the York area.
  • Move within York area

    Tell us you are moving house within the York area.