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Results 351 – 360 of about 1599.

  • Snapshot of progress on the Council Plan

    Our snapshot of progress regularly provides details of our activity as we work to deliver the Council Plan and to achieve our vision of a heathier, fairer, more affordable, more sustainable, and more accessible city where everyone feels valued.
  • AccessAble in York
  • York’s fostering team joins York Residents’ Festival

    City of York Council’s Fostering Team will be on hand at York Residents’ Festival on Saturday to chat to residents about becoming foster carers.
  • £13,000 worth of illegal vapes seized by Trading Standards

    £13,000 worth of illegal vapes have been seized during ‘Operation Hunter’ by City of York Council’s Trading Standards Team.
  • Moving to York

    Advice about moving to York.
  • Moving to York

    Advice about moving to York.
  • £13,000 worth of illegal vapes seized by Trading Standards

    £13,000 worth of illegal vapes have been seized during ‘Operation Hunter’ by City of York Council’s Trading Standards Team.
  • ICT Portal

    Authorised City of York Council staff and partners can remotely access the council's applications and ICT systems over a secure connection.
  • Road closures for planned resurfacing works

    City of York Council will be carrying out resurfacing works on Bishopthorpe Road and Elvington Lane (B1228) requiring road closures this June.
  • Move out of York area

    Tell us you are moving out of the York area.