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You searched for city of city of city of city of city of city of city of city of york council

You could also try: member of parliament , mp , freedom of information , foi , executive council members , cabinet , council directorates , departments , City of York Council , cyc , council tax , counciltax , open data, York Open Data , opendata

Results 1291 – 1300 of about 1601.

  • Allotments

    Allotment sites in York are run by several different organisations, including the York Allotments Charitable Incorporated Organisation (YACIO), parish and town councils as well as other independent groups.
  • Queen Street Bridge to close in April

    To help them plan ahead, the council is forewarning residents and commuters that, as part of work to transform the entrance to York Station, Queen Street Bridge is set to be closed.
  • Dean's Park (managed by the Dean and Chapter of York Minster) - Parks and open spaces directory
  • Yorkshire Museum Gardens (managed by York Museums Trust) - Parks and open spaces directory
  • 024: York Field Lane (3 sections) - Definitive Map Modification Order Register
  • Have your say: attend meetings

    York residents can attend council meetings to have your say, either to bring a particular issue to the attention of councillors or to give your views on a particular subject.
  • Our Open Housing portal

    Our 'Open Housing' portal is for customers applying for a council home, people who are homeless, council tenants and leaseholders, as well as contractors working with us to provide council housing.
  • Our Open Housing portal

    Our 'Open Housing' portal is for customers applying for a council home, people who are homeless, council tenants and leaseholders, as well as contractors working with us to provide council housing.
  • Meeting webcasts

    See a list of the webcasts we've created for council meetings.
  • Meeting webcasts

    See a list of the webcasts we've created for council meetings.