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You searched for city of city of city of city of city of city of city of city of york council

You could also try: member of parliament , mp , freedom of information , foi , executive council members , cabinet , council directorates , departments , City of York Council , cyc , council tax , counciltax , open data, York Open Data , opendata

Results 1431 – 1440 of about 1592.

  • Taxi providers liaison meetings

    Access minutes and agendas from meetings with the Independent Taxi Association (ITA), York Taxi Association (YTA), and with York Private Hire Association (YPHA).
  • The Local Plan

    In York 'The Local Plan' provides a clear framework to guide and promote development, and to protect the quality of York's unique historic, natural and built environment.
  • Public Electric Vehicle Charging Strategy

    The York Public EV Charging Strategy was launched in March 2020, setting out the next phase of the delivery of York's EV charging network up to 2025.
  • Wildlife advice

    Three quarters of York is rural.... Even within urban York there are areas of 'countryside' such as the strays and the riverside ‘Ings’ land - these have considerable wildlife value.
  • [No title]

    York Register Office privacy notice York Register Office com plies with the Data Protection Act 1998 and is a registered ‘Data Controll er’.... York Register Office also makes a local index available for this purpose.... For further informati on on data held by the Registrar General visit: ns/ips-pri vacy-policy For information on how the City Of York Council uses your information visit : For information on the City Of York Council’s cookies policy visit: You can contact the Superi ntendent Registrar at York Register Office Tel: 01904 654477 Tell Us Once Death registration appointments Tell Us Once is a free government initiati ve which aims to ease the burden of noti fying local and cent ral government departments that someone has died.
  • Roadworks

    Check information on roadworks and traffic restrictions in York before you travel.
  • Holiday Activities and Food

    A range of holiday activity schemes are available for children and young people in York.
  • Speak Up

    Speak Up is the name of York's Children's Rights and Advocacy Service.
  • Sports and leisure

    Get Information on inclusive sports, leisure centres and open spaces in York.
  • Regulatory services for businesses

    See details of available regulatory support and advice for your business in York.