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Results 501 – 510 of about 1599.

  • Second week of Queen Street Bridge closures this weekend

    City of York Council is reminding residents and visitors that a second road closure will take place this weekend as part of the Station Gateway project.
  • York Station Gateway

    Find out about the proposed changes to York Station Gateway which would make the surrounding area more pedestrian-friendly and better for all types of vehicles, bringing new public spaces, reducing congestion and making the most of the site's heritage.
  • External painting programme for council homes

    External painting programme for council homes
  • Allotments

    Allotment sites in York are run by several different organisations, including York Allotments Charitable Incorporated Organisation (YACIO), parish and town councils, and other independent groups.
  • Council tax discounts and exemptions for foreign students

    Council tax discount and exemptions for foreign students.
  • Help shape Front Street improvements

    City of York Council is seeking the views of residents and businesses on new ideas for Front Street in Acomb.
  • Second week of Queen Street Bridge closures this weekend

    City of York Council is reminding residents and visitors that a second road closure will take place this weekend as part of the Station Gateway project.
  • Road Closures on Towthorpe Moor Lane

    City of York Council will be carrying out essential drainage works on Towthorpe Moor Lane at the junction with Strensall Road.
  • Family Learning courses

    Family Learning courses at venues across the city provide an opportunity for you to brush up your own skills, or to help your children learn.
  • Parish council elections June and August 2023

    Information about the parish council elections to be held in June and August 2023.