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You could also try: member of parliament , mp , freedom of information , foi , executive council members , cabinet , council directorates , departments , City of York Council , cyc , council tax , counciltax , open data, York Open Data , opendata

Results 511 – 520 of about 1599.

  • The natural environment

    York’s natural environment contributes 1.8% of the city’s overall emissions, with our agricultural areas on the front line of climate change being the first to feel its impacts.
  • York Station Gateway

    Find out about the proposed changes to York Station Gateway which would make the surrounding area more pedestrian-friendly and better for all types of vehicles, bringing new public spaces, reducing congestion and making the most of the site's heritage.
  • York Children’s Services’ worker receives national award

    Anne Whitley, a Corporate Parenting and Co Production Advisor at City of York Council, has received a national award in recognition of her hard work.
  • Clerking service for school governors

    Governing boards can buy professional clerking services from us, to assist the processes of effective governance in City of York schools and academies.
  • Clerking service for school governors

    Governing boards can buy professional clerking services from us, to assist the processes of effective governance in City of York schools and academies.
  • The natural environment

    York’s natural environment contributes 1.8% of the city’s overall emissions, with our agricultural areas on the front line of climate change being the first to feel its impacts.
  • YorkCard

    If you live within the York area you are entitled to buy a YorkCard which acts as your library card and will also entitle you to residents' discounts at leisure facilities across York.
  • YorkCard

    If you live within the York area you are entitled to buy a YorkCard which acts as your library card and will also entitle you to residents' discounts at leisure facilities across York.
  • Community governance review
  • Council’s Executive proposes tough reductions to balance budget

    City of York Council publishes its 2024-25 budget proposals today, including what senior leaders have described as ‘deeply troubling but unavoidable cuts’ to deliver a balanced budget.