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You could also try: member of parliament , mp , freedom of information , foi , executive council members , cabinet , council directorates , departments , City of York Council , cyc , council tax , counciltax , open data, York Open Data , opendata

Results 381 – 390 of about 1602.

  • Council tax Direct Debit and instalment plan

    Set up or amend your Direct Debit for council tax.
  • Reporting anti-social behaviour
  • Discretionary Council Tax Reduction Scheme

    The 'council tax discretionary reduction' scheme provides assistance to people unable to pay their council tax bill - we make reductions due to hardship based on individual applications.
  • Discretionary Council Tax Reduction Scheme award decision

    How we make decisions regarding council tax Discretionary Reduction Scheme award applications.
  • Discretionary Council Tax Reduction Scheme award decision

    How we make decisions regarding council tax Discretionary Reduction Scheme award applications.
  • Changes to York’s sexual health service proposed

    Proposals to change the way sexual health services are provided in York will be considered later this month and could then be consulted on later this year.
  • Huntington School receives Silver Healthy Schools Award

    Huntington School has become the first in the city to be awarded a coveted Silver Healthy Schools’ Award.
  • Huntington School receives Silver Healthy Schools Award

    Huntington School has become the first in the city to be awarded a coveted Silver Healthy Schools’ Award.
  • York Youth Council projects

    Find out about the projects which York Youth Council undertakes and the work to make positive changes, through campaigning and influencing decision makers.
  • Local bus services reviewed to secure long-term support

    Key bus services that serve local communities in York are being reviewed and consulted on by City of York Council, to ensure support can continue longer-term.