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Results 231 – 240 of about 1602.

  • City of York Council backs Clean Air Night

    As winter draws in and the nights get cold, the council is supporting Clean Air Night (24 January) to raise awareness of the dangers of burning wood and other solid fuels in the home.
  • York SEND Local Offer

    The York SEND Local Offer website sets out services and activities available to children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.
  • City of York Local Plan Examination Hearings Privacy Notice

    City of York Local Plan Examination Hearings service area privacy notice.
  • City of York Council Executive approves new Improvement Plan

    City of York Council’s Executive has approved a new Corporate Improvement Framework, subject to consultation.
  • City of York Council hits tree planting milestone

    Almost 2,500 new trees have been planted as part of the council’s Green Streets project.
  • Footstreets

    Pedestrian zones, and the areas and times within York where vehicle access is restricted.
  • City of York sexual and reproductive health services provision consultation

    We're working closely with the York and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust to review the provision of sexual and reproductive health services in York, as part of the re-procurement of the service for the next 10 years.
  • York Open Data

    The York Open Data platform is City of York Council's open data platform.
  • York City-wide Leaders' Meeting to host new Mayor

    When they meet this week, York City Leaders are to be joined by the newly elected Mayor for York and North Yorkshire, David Skaith, in his first week in the job.
  • City of York Council’s Child and Young Person audit for Education, Health and Care Plans Privacy Notice

    City of York Council’s Child and Young Person audit for Education, Health and Care Plans Privacy Notice.