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Results 251 – 260 of about 1602.

  • CYC Policies

    Policies available for access by non-City of York Council employees who use the council's 'Doqex' secure sharing service.
  • Elections in York

    Details of elections and voting in the City of York Council area.
  • Council budget

    The council budget has been informed by city-wide consultation, and reflects our key priorities, including supporting the most vulnerable people in the city and helping grow the economy.
  • Blue Badge city centre access reopens on 4 January

    From Thursday 4 January 2024, Blue Badge holders will once again be able to drive into the city centre at any time via Goodramgate, by simply having their badge checked at the barriers.
  • Council budget

    The council budget has been informed by city-wide consultation, and reflects our key priorities, including supporting the most vulnerable people in the city and helping grow the economy.
  • Parish council election results May 2023

    Details of election results for parish councils in the City of York Council area for 2023.
  • Lord Mayor of York

    The Lord Mayor is Chairman of City of York Council and the first citizen of the city.
  • Recent election results

    See results of recent elections held in the City of York Council area.
  • Weighbridges in York

    Details of weighbridge operators available within the City of York
  • iTrent

    iTrent is the web-based Human Resources Self Service system which allows City of York Council employees to view and update some of their Human Resources information.