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You searched for city of city of city of city of city of york council

You could also try: member of parliament , mp , freedom of information , foi , executive council members , cabinet , council directorates , departments , City of York Council , cyc , council tax , counciltax , open data, York Open Data , opendata

Results 381 – 390 of about 1602.

  • £13,000 worth of illegal vapes seized by Trading Standards

    £13,000 worth of illegal vapes have been seized during ‘Operation Hunter’ by City of York Council’s Trading Standards Team.
  • Open Door

    Open Door, the magazine for council tenants and leaseholders.
  • Scarborough Bridge project

    A new shared-use bridge adjacent to the existing Scarborough line railway bridge provides better access into the city centre from the railway station.
  • Festivals

    An overview of what's going on in the city.
  • Benefits Privacy Notice
  • Director of Public Health's Annual Report

    Director of Public Health City of York Council Annual Report 2015
  • Resident and tenant involvement

    Give feedback about City of York council housing services
  • Details of ombudsman decisions

    Details of ombudsman investigations arising from complaints against City of York Council.
  • Resident and tenant involvement

    Give feedback about City of York council housing services
  • Annual school admissions report

    The annual admissions report from City of York Council to the Office of the Schools Adjudicator.