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Results 541 – 550 of about 1602.

  • The built environment

    The built environment represents the majority of York’s emissions, contributing 61.9% of the total emissions for the city.
  • The built environment

    The built environment represents the majority of York’s emissions, contributing 61.9% of the total emissions for the city.
  • Proposed devolution deal published for scrutiny

    The proposed devolution deal for York and North Yorkshire will undergo its first public scrutiny by the Council’s Customer and Corporate Services Scrutiny Management Committee on Monday, 5 September.
  • CSI York project to boost green construction skills
  • School term dates

    Recommended term dates set by City of York Council for schools in our area, although some schools and academies may choose to adopt different dates.
  • Transport and emissions

    Transport is responsible for 27.9% of York’s emissions.... Council transport and travel teams are working on projects across the sector to reduce emissions for everyone that uses the city.
  • Transport and emissions

    Transport is responsible for 27.9% of York’s emissions.... Council transport and travel teams are working on projects across the sector to reduce emissions for everyone that uses the city.
  • Our Market Position Statement

    Shaping care for York
  • Council tax discount for carers

    Those providing care to disabled persons could get a council tax discount.
  • Council commissions new £1.8 million drug and alcohol service contract

    City of York Council has awarded the drug and alcohol service contract to a leading health and social care charity Change Grow Live.