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You could also try: member of parliament , mp , freedom of information , foi , executive council members , cabinet , council directorates , departments , City of York Council , cyc , council tax , counciltax , open data, York Open Data , opendata

Results 401 – 410 of about 1602.

  • Executive to consider new Corporate Improvement Framework

    City of York Council’s Executive is set to discuss a new Corporate Improvement Framework, developed by the Chief Operating Officer, in consultation with the Corporate Leadership Group (Corporate Directors, Directors and Assistant Directors).
  • Elected representatives

    Find out how to contact your ward councillors, MP, or parish and town councils.
  • Scarborough Bridge project

    A new shared-use bridge adjacent to the existing Scarborough line railway bridge provides better access into the city centre from the railway station.
  • Pay online

    Get information about how to pay online for a range of services available from City of York Council, including council tax, business rates, rent, waste charges and other council invoices.
  • Local bus services reviewed to secure long-term support

    Key bus services that serve local communities in York are being reviewed and consulted on by City of York Council, to ensure support can continue longer-term.
  • Road closures for planned resurfacing works

    City of York Council will be carrying out resurfacing works on Bishopthorpe Road and Elvington Lane (B1228) requiring road closures this June.
  • Pay your council tenant rent

    How to pay your rent if you're a council tenant.
  • Paying your bill

    Ways to pay your council tax bill, business rates and council rent - as well as other services.
  • Pay your council tenant rent

    How to pay your rent if you're a council tenant.
  • Housing revenue account business plan