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Results 611 – 620 of about 1599.

  • Council’s Executive proposes tough reductions to balance budget

    City of York Council publishes its 2024-25 budget proposals today, including what senior leaders have described as ‘deeply troubling but unavoidable cuts’ to deliver a balanced budget.
  • Executive Council Member speaks at York Tourism conference

    Councillor Jo Coles, Executive Member for Health, Wellbeing and Adult Social Care, spoke at the York Tourism conference on the benefits on tourism for York.
  • Celebrating the life-changing impact of foster carers

    City of York Council is celebrates the life-changing impact of its amazing foster carers during this Foster Care Fortnight from 13 to 26 May.
  • York’s hospitality and retail sectors attend first industry forum
  • Fraud prevention

    If you're aware of, or suspect fraud is being committed against the council, please report it.
  • School term dates

    Recommended term dates set by City of York Council for schools in our area, although some schools and academies may choose to adopt different dates.
  • Transport and emissions

    Transport is responsible for 27.9% of York’s emissions.... Council transport and travel teams are working on projects across the sector to reduce emissions for everyone that uses the city.
  • Transport and emissions

    Transport is responsible for 27.9% of York’s emissions.... Council transport and travel teams are working on projects across the sector to reduce emissions for everyone that uses the city.
  • Theatres, galleries and cinemas

    Where to find information about theatres, galleries and cinemas in York.
  • Theatres, galleries and cinemas

    Where to find information about theatres, galleries and cinemas in York.