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Results 821 – 830 of about 1599.

  • PMM 63: York High School (Policies Map South) - Local Plan Consultation 2023
  • Health and wellbeing

    Get information about health and wellbeing services available from City of York Council.... We ensure residents of York can access the right health services, by providing information and advice on available service providers in York and how to access support.
  • Health and wellbeing

    Get information about health and wellbeing services available from City of York Council.... We ensure residents of York can access the right health services, by providing information and advice on available service providers in York and how to access support.
  • Climate change

    In 2019, we announced a Climate Emergency and have since set an ambition for York to be a net-zero carbon city by 2030.
  • Annual safety checks on council homes

    We carry out a number of annual safety checks on council homes.
  • Tennis in York

    Information on tennis courts and different tennis programmes in York.
  • Homeshare York
  • Public toilets in York

    Details of council public toilets in York, including locations, opening times and facilities.
  • Health and social care

    Get information about our health and social care services, available from City of York Council.... We ensure residents of York receive appropriate care, by providing information and advice on adult social care, children's social care and support for carers.
  • Environment and animals

    Get information about environment and animal services, available from City of York Council.... We ensure residents of York can access environmental advice, by providing information and advice on looking after your local area and reporting environmental issues.