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Results 201 – 210 of about 1599.

  • Information for journalists

    Our communications team handles all enquiries from the press and broadcast media; contact them via the 'CYC Newsdesk'.
  • Information for journalists

    Our communications team handles all enquiries from the press and broadcast media; contact them via the 'CYC Newsdesk'.
  • York launches new air alert service

    City of York Council has launched a new service designed to send free air pollution alerts and health advice to residents and visitors most likely to be affected by air pollution.
  • ‘A’ Boards policy

    Our ‘A' Boards policy sets out restrictions regarding the placement of free-standing advertising boards and details areas of York city centre where A-boards are prohibited.
  • Becoming an anti-racist city

    City of York Council has pledged to be an anti-racist council; we will use our resources and change what we do to actively dismantle racist structures and challenge racial inequality.
  • City of York Council Email Updates Privacy Notice

    City of York Council email updates Privacy Notice.
  • City of York Council Employees Privacy Notice

    Privacy Notice for City of York Council Employees.
  • Caring for the City Walls

    We are responsible for caring for, and making accessible, York's City Walls.
  • City of York Council Returning Officer Privacy Notice

    City of York Council Returning Officer Privacy Notice.
  • York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority

    A Combined Authority is where a group of councils work together across a larger area.... The York and North Yorkshire Combined has been created by the City of York Council and North Yorkshire Council.