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Results 671 – 680 of about 1599.

  • Geocaching

    To place a geocache on land owned by the council you must obtain prior permission.
  • People and communities

    Get information about people and communities in York.... We ensure residents of York can access information and advice on community matters, such as ward information, community projects and how to deal with or report neighbourhood issues.
  • People and communities

    Get information about people and communities in York.... We ensure residents of York can access information and advice on community matters, such as ward information, community projects and how to deal with or report neighbourhood issues.
  • People and communities

    Get information about people and communities in York.... We ensure residents of York can access information and advice on community matters, such as ward information, community projects and how to deal with or report neighbourhood issues.
  • People and communities

    Get information about people and communities in York.... We ensure residents of York can access information and advice on community matters, such as ward information, community projects and how to deal with or report neighbourhood issues.
  • People and communities

    Get information about people and communities in York.... We ensure residents of York can access information and advice on community matters, such as ward information, community projects and how to deal with or report neighbourhood issues.
  • Climate change governance

    The publishing of council corporate emissions is part of the evidence base that will support the city’s first Climate Change Strategy.
  • Proposed devolution deal published for scrutiny

    The proposed devolution deal for York and North Yorkshire will undergo its first public scrutiny by the Council’s Customer and Corporate Services Scrutiny Management Committee on Monday, 5 September.
  • York Children’s Services’ worker receives national award

    Anne Whitley, a Corporate Parenting and Co Production Advisor at City of York Council, has received a national award in recognition of her hard work.
  • York Learning and employability

    York Learning offers courses and programmes to help you get into work or support you whilst in work.