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Results 811 – 820 of about 1599.

  • Streetscape Strategy

    The Streetscape Strategy and guidance gives our views on how the public streets and spaces of the city should be maintained, enhanced and managed.
  • Poultry noise

    Chickens and cockerels can cause a noise nuisance to neighbours when kept in towns and cities.
  • Air quality monitoring

    We undertake monitoring of air quality across the city using 'diffusion tubes' and 'real-time monitoring equipment'
  • Clerking service for school governors

    Governing boards can buy professional clerking services from us, to assist the processes of effective governance in City of York schools and academies.
  • Clerking service for school governors

    Governing boards can buy professional clerking services from us, to assist the processes of effective governance in City of York schools and academies.
  • The natural environment

    York’s natural environment contributes 1.8% of the city’s overall emissions, with our agricultural areas on the front line of climate change being the first to feel its impacts.
  • Childcare in York

    Get more information about various childcare options, including support with the cost of childcare, via the Raise York website.
  • New Local Plan Proposed Modifications and Evidence Base Consultation

    Take part in the May 2021 consultation on York's new Local Plan.
  • Housing strategy

    Plans for dealing with York's key housing issues have been drawn up in a regional housing strategy called the York, North Yorkshire and East Riding (YNYER) Housing Strategy (2015 to 2021).
  • Empty properties

    We're committed to working with homeowners and members of the public to address problems associated with empty homes in the city.