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You searched for city of york council

You could also try: member of parliament , mp , freedom of information , foi , executive council members , cabinet , council directorates , departments , City of York Council , cyc , council tax , counciltax , open data, York Open Data , opendata

Results 511 – 520 of about 1602.

  • Theatres, galleries and cinemas

    Where to find information about theatres, galleries and cinemas in York.
  • Theatres, galleries and cinemas

    Where to find information about theatres, galleries and cinemas in York.
  • York Central Community Forum Privacy Notice

    Privacy notice for the York Central Community Forum.
  • York Financial Assistance Scheme

    The York Financial Assistance Scheme (YFAS) provides help for residents in financial difficulty so that they can continue to live in their communities.
  • New Local Plan

    Our 'Local Plan' sets strategic priorities for the whole city and forms the basis for planning decisions.
  • Make an appointment at West Offices
  • Huntington School receives Silver Healthy Schools Award

    Huntington School has become the first in the city to be awarded a coveted Silver Healthy Schools’ Award.
  • Huntington School receives Silver Healthy Schools Award

    Huntington School has become the first in the city to be awarded a coveted Silver Healthy Schools’ Award.
  • Living in York

    Rich in culture and heritage, York is a vibrant modern city...... The capital of Yorkshire and visited by 7 million people every year, York is recognised on a regional, national and international stage; the city has a huge amount to offer to residents and visitors.
  • Living in York

    Rich in culture and heritage, York is a vibrant modern city...... The capital of Yorkshire and visited by 7 million people every year, York is recognised on a regional, national and international stage; the city has a huge amount to offer to residents and visitors.