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Council tax

Get information about council tax, paying your bill and available council tax discounts and exemptions.

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You could also try: executive council members , cabinet , council directorates , departments , housing benefit , bedroom tax , City of York Council , cyc , council tax , counciltax

Results 51 – 60 of about 648.

  • Property discounts and exemptions

    The level of council tax owed at a property can vary depending on who lives there and the condition of the property.
  • Council budget

    The council budget has been informed by city-wide consultation, and reflects our key priorities, including supporting the most vulnerable people in the city and helping grow the economy.
  • Landlords and letting agents
  • Landlords and letting agents
  • Council tax arrears

    Find out what happens if you get behind with your council tax payments, known as 'getting into arrears' and view the council's Corporate Debt Policy..
  • Paying business rates
  • Pay online

    Get information about how to pay online for a range of services available from City of York Council, including council tax, business rates, rent, waste charges and other council invoices.
  • Housing Benefit
  • Housing Benefit
  • Council tax discount for carers

    Those providing care to disabled persons could get a council tax discount.