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Our structure and directorates

For more information about our Chief Operating Officer (Head of paid services) and the structure of our directorates visit Council Management Team; get details of our service responsibilities.

You can also read more about our executive council members.

You searched for executive council members

You could also try: executive council members , cabinet , council directorates , departments , City of York Council , cyc , council tax , counciltax

Results 451 – 460 of about 670.

  • City of York Council hits tree planting milestone

    Almost 2,500 new trees have been planted as part of the council’s Green Streets project.
  • Local plan examination library: City of York Council documents 2018 to 2022
  • City of York Council backs Clean Air Night

    As winter draws in and the nights get cold, the council is supporting Clean Air Night (24 January) to raise awareness of the dangers of burning wood and other solid fuels in the home.
  • Legionella and landlords' responsibilities

    Information about legionella and landlords' responsibilities according to Health and Safety Executive (HSE) guidance.
  • York SEND Local Offer
  • Empty properties

    We're committed to working with homeowners and members of the public to address problems associated with empty homes in the city.
  • Get benefits and money advice

    Find out what benefits you're entitled to or arrange an appointment with a member of our dedicated Benefits Advice team.
  • Pupil exclusions

    The decision to exclude pupils from school is made by the head teacher or a designated member of teaching staff.
  • York Guildhall restoration project

    Since the council moved out of the Guildhall in April 2013, we've been working to find the best option to secure its future.... In October 2015, the council's Executive decided that a business club and serviced office venue would be the best mix of uses to secure a viable future for the complex.
  • York Guildhall restoration project

    Since the council moved out of the Guildhall in April 2013, we've been working to find the best option to secure its future.... In October 2015, the council's Executive decided that a business club and serviced office venue would be the best mix of uses to secure a viable future for the complex.