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Our structure and directorates

For more information about our Chief Operating Officer (Head of paid services) and the structure of our directorates visit Council Management Team; get details of our service responsibilities.

You can also read more about our executive council members.

You searched for executive council members

You could also try: executive council members , cabinet , council directorates , departments , City of York Council , cyc , council tax , counciltax

Results 71 – 80 of about 667.

  • Council budget

    The council budget has been informed by city-wide consultation, and reflects our key priorities, including supporting the most vulnerable people in the city and helping grow the economy.
  • Council budget

    The council budget has been informed by city-wide consultation, and reflects our key priorities, including supporting the most vulnerable people in the city and helping grow the economy.
  • The Guildhall

    Full Council meetings are held in the council chambers within the Guildhall.
  • Swapping your council home

    Swapping homes is much quicker than waiting for a council-organised transfer.
  • Gaming machines in members' clubs

    To operate gaming machines in members clubs, commercial clubs and miners' welfare institutes, a permit is required.
  • Gaming machines in members' clubs

    To operate gaming machines in members clubs, commercial clubs and miners' welfare institutes, a permit is required.
  • Who is responsible for council house repairs

    Who is responsible for council house repairs
  • Severe mental impairment council tax exemption

    Where someone is suffering from a severe mental impairment, an exemption or discount may be available to assist with council tax payments.
  • Council Executive to consider undertaking Front Street engagement

    At a meeting next week (Tuesday 20 February) the Executive Member for Economy and Transport will be presented with the proposed approach and potential scope of works for Front Street in Acomb, one of York’s key secondary shopping areas.
  • Volunteering with City of York Council

    Volunteering opportunities with City of York Council.