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Benefits and money

You can apply for a range of benefits if you're on a low income, struggling to pay your bills or having other financial difficulties. Find information about available benefits and get benefits advice.

Use our free and anonymous benefits calculator to check what support you could be entitled to, and seek financial avice and guidance.

You searched for housing benefit

You could also try: housing benefit , bedroom tax

Results 11 – 20 of about 443.

  • Housing Benefit

    If you pay rent you may be able to claim housing benefit to help you with your rent payments.
  • Change of circumstances and benefits

    You must tell us immediately about any changes which could affect housing benefit.
  • Discretionary Housing Payment

    If your housing benefit or Universal Credit (housing element) is less than your rent and you're struggling to pay your landlord the difference, you may be able to request a Discretionary Housing Payment (DHP).
  • Local Housing Allowance

    Local Housing Allowance (LHA) is a type of housing benefit for tenants who rent from a private landlord.
  • Manage your tenants' Housing Benefit payments online

    If you're a landlord receiving payments of Housing Benefit, you can manage your tenant's Housing Benefit online using the Citizens Access Landlord Portal.
  • Benefits Privacy Notice

    Privacy notice for the Benefits service area.
  • The 'bedroom tax'

    There's a limit on the number of bedrooms Housing Benefit will pay for, if you're renting from a local authority, a registered housing association or other registered social landlord.
  • Benefits and money
  • Universal Credit

    Universal Credit is a benefit for people on a low income, out of work, or want to start or stay in work.... It helps by ensuring people are 'better off in work' than on benefits.
  • Check which benefits you could get

    Use our benefits calculator to check what benefits you're entitled to and claim financial support to help with ongoing everyday living costs.