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Open Housing

Open Housing provides access to housing services for customers applying for a council home, people who are homeless and council tenants and leaseholders. The portal is also useful to contractors, working with us to provide council housing.

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Results 611 – 620 of about 1664.

  • City of York Council Executive approves new Improvement Plan

    City of York Council’s Executive has approved a new Corporate Improvement Framework, subject to consultation.
  • Have your say in Our Big Transport Conversation

    Transport is a big topic in York and there’s a month to go until Our Big Transport Conversation closes, so make sure you get involved to have your say.
  • All York Family bus ticket price reduced from Easter

    Families planning a day trip in York this Easter will be able to travel on the city’s bus network all day for a reduced price of just £5.50 for 5 people, just £1.10 each, using an All York Family ticket.
  • York Skills Strategy

    Key priorities and actions for York skills plan 2017 to 2020.
  • York Skills Strategy

    Key priorities and actions for York skills plan 2017 to 2020.
  • Aviva York case study

    Case study of Aviva's membership of York's Good Business Charter movement.
  • York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority mayoral election results 2024

    The Mayor for the York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority was voted for in elections on 2 May 2024, see the outcome of the election and details of the results.
  • Blue Badge holders’ second footstreets routes opens early

    Second route for Blue Badge holders opens early
  • Age Friendly York Evolving Action Plan

    The Age Friendly York Evolving Action Plan outlines actions agreed, based on citizen feedback, and shows how we intend to deliver against the actions and progress status.
  • Changes to York’s sexual health service proposed

    Proposals to change the way sexual health services are provided in York will be considered later this month and could then be consulted on later this year.